WNYT: Nano Career Day hopes to inspire kids for a STEM future

WNYT: Nano Career Day hopes to inspire kids for a STEM future

Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 09:47
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article and video by WNYT:

Nano Career Day hopes to inspire kids for a STEM future

[video width="426" height="240" mp4="http://www.sunyit.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/02/WNYT_02-06-2015_18.27.46.mp4"][/video]

Updated: 02/06/2015 3:37 PM Created: 02/06/2015 3:34 PM WNYT.com By: WNYT Staff

Around 300 students got an eye-opening experience as they attended “Nano Career Day” at SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering on Thursday.

When you think “Career Day,” you probably think about parents coming into a classroom talking about their jobs.

However, this is nothing like that.

“They get a number of tours, science, hands on activities,” explained Stephen Stewart with the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering. “The goal is to show them how we turn simple science into complex structures that we use today.”

They also demonstrate the value of studying things like thin films and ultraviolet beads.

Right now, we're looking at probably a need for over four million new technology workers.

Now you'll need a masters, but if you go that route, you can make a pretty nice living.

This is one of the complexes that can definitely give them a leg up into jobs that are paying $90,000 to $100,000 range to start.

They make “Career Day” fun too, like showing the kids how to mix acids and waters and then freaking them out by drinking it. In this case, it turned out to be lemonade.

They also got some kids dressed in what they call a “bunny suit,” which is what they wear in the clean rooms.

The hope is they like what they see and go to school there.

“Many of our students who come here as undergraduates, leave as scientists with PhD’s,” noted Stewart.


