WROC: Photonics Institute: 5 Months of Planning Ahead

WROC: Photonics Institute: 5 Months of Planning Ahead

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 12:19
SUNY Poly News Logo

Manyquestions remain about Rochester's new photonics institute, including how many jobs will be created, where research and manufacturing will take place and when all of this will unfold.


[video width="640" height="360" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/07/WROC-Photonics-Institute-5-Months-of-Planning-Ahead-72815.mp4"][/video]


"What it will look like is basically the discussion we will have here in a few minutes," said Michael Liehr, a vice president in the SUNY Polytechnic system.

News 8 caught up with Liehr Tuesday morning as he headed into a meeting with the Department of Defense, which chose Rochester as the site of the photonics institute. Liehr helped write the application, which has not been made public. News 8 has filed an open records request with the DoD for the document.

"When we made our proposal, we had only input from industry and academia and not from the DoD. So the whole intent in the next few months is to include the DoD, maybe some course corrections based on what they would like to see, since they are a substantial investor in this," said Liehr. "Then go out and specifically say these are the projects that will be done. These are the people that will do this, how much is it going to cost and what are the key milestones, deliverables. That's for the next few months."





Rachel Barnhart 7/28/15
