WUTR: College Students Give Back to Kids During Holiday Season

WUTR: College Students Give Back to Kids During Holiday Season

Thursday, December 10, 2015 - 09:26
SUNY Poly News Logo

[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/12/WUTR_12-09-2015-SUNY-Poly-Nursing-Gifts.mp4"][/video]


Nursing students at SUNY Poly are demonstrating the true holiday spirit this semester.

With their generosity, two local families will experience holiday they'll never forget.

The senior nursing students raised seven hundred dollars for at-risk kids this holiday season.  With that money, the bought toys through Adopt a Family Program at Kids Oneida.

"Happy Holidays from nursing!"

Nurses spend their days giving back. That's what these students did today; presenting $700 worth of presents for those in need.

"This was a student initiated endeavor.  I couldn't be more proud of them.  It really depicts the real true essence of nursing and caring and paid it forward to this family--two families."

Class President Marian Thompson says that she came into class one day to pitch the idea to help a family after seeing the need in the area.  After raising more than the initial goal, the class decided to help not one, but two families

"So we had a pediatrics rotation this semester and we saw a lot of at-risk children so we wanted to give back to them."

Once the money was raised, Kids Oneida matched the nursing class with a family in need.  The family, through Kids Oneida has 6 children.  The second family had recently lost their dad.  After getting an idea of what all the kids wanted the nursing students went shopping.

"They received a wish list with 4 to 6 items for each child and they chose what they wanted to purchase on the list and wrapped them and boxed them up perfect for us today.  They will go back to Kids Oneida to be given to the family before the holiday."

Kids Oneida provides gifts for over 500 kids in the area.  If interested in donating or adopting a family for the holiday season head over to our website at cnyhomepage.com for more details.

The website for adopting a family is http://www.kidsoneida.org/fundraising/adopt-a-family/

12/9/15 Nicole Todd
