WUTR: Exclusive look inside the Quad-C facility at SUNY Poly

WUTR: Exclusive look inside the Quad-C facility at SUNY Poly

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 12:55
SUNY Poly News Logo

Earlier last month, Mohawk Valley Edge president Steven DiMeo gave viewers a chance to see the excavation work being done at the Marcy Nanocenter. Today, eyewitness news reporter Marc Barraco got an exclusive look inside the Quad-C facility, and joins us now with more.

According to SUNY Poly's COO, GE is going over the specifics for what tools will be needed in order to manufacture these chips, and with funding for nano included in this year's state budget, he says there is definitely an interest from other companies in what's happening in Marcy.

Having the tools necessary to package silicon carbide chips is why Senior Vice President and COO of SUNY Poly Robert Geer says is what General Electric, its partners, and the college need first before GE has workers making and packaging these electronic chips.

Geer: "So what we have here at Quad-C is basically it’s a base fit up for a clean room. And we'll be adding over the coming months, all the tools, all the utilities, all the supplies, all the waste handling for all of GE's packaging efforts.”

And while some remain skeptical of the lack of activity since the announcement last August, what Geer says can't be denied is the commitment in funding by both ams and New York State, and that those involved in nanoare investing in an industry that will stay here for decades.

Geer: "If this was something that you could put up in six months, without this type of investment, you could see this happen anywhere. They could go anywhere they want, but the type of resources, the type of infrastructure, the type of equipment, the type of training for the workforce. All of that takes this amount of time to put in place, but, once you do it's not going anywhere. And I think that's really the long term vision that the governor has really championed. Not making investments that could disappear in a day, but make investments that will make those partners and keep those partners for decades to come.”


[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2016/04/WUTR_04-05-2016-Exclusive-look-inside-Quad-C.mp4"][/video]
