WUTR: Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce Reflects on 2014

WUTR: Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce Reflects on 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 10:41
SUNY Poly News Logo

If you think back to a year ago, Utica has certainly seen its changes. The city has seen new businesses and organization now call Utica home.  And some say it's going to be even better in 2015.

There was an implosion, renovations to the Auditorium for our Comets, and construction of Quad-C. According to the chamber of commerce 20-14 was a year like no other.

“There is no comparison. I mean this year has definitely been phenomenal growth,” says Pam Matt, Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce.

There were a total of 40 ribbon cuttings throughout the year--that's compared to only 15 during 2013.

"In my lifetime, I haven't seen this level of activity, and this level of growth," says John Kenealy, Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce.

John Kenealy has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Chamber for the past two years. He says there was a major difference between the two.

“Last year we could start feeling it coming. Talking about nano, the plans were there but the building wasn't. And now to see the building there I believe the more and more of the belief in this area is coming,” says Kenealy.

But looking past the new businesses and additions to the area--the chamber says there's a new spirit in the community.

"I feel like everyone is rolling up their sleeves and saying, 'Okay, we can do this. And we can work hard at it,'" says Matt.

So whether we're taking buildings down or putting them up, 2014 was a year of growth and expansion that some say will only get better in the future.


Ana Rivera | 12/30/14
