WUTR: Nano Tech: The Next Big Thing; Small Technology, Huge Impact

WUTR: Nano Tech: The Next Big Thing; Small Technology, Huge Impact

Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 10:23
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Mohawk Valley is on its way to becoming a hub for nanotechnology, a field growing rapidly and used in just about every device in our daily lives. Quad-C which stands for Computer Chip Commercialization Center is nearing completion but even if you don't plan to work inside the new nano hub or anywhere in the field for that matter, this industry that's coming to the area will still have an impact on just about everyone.About 1,500 people are expected to be employed by the Quad-C project and when you look at the nano-initiative overall, even more new jobs are in the works. But you don't have to be a nano scientist or engineer to benefit from the new hub.


"A lot of people say oh that big, glass building you know it's scientists or researches, this is nano-tech manufacturing and fifty percent of people working in that building are going to have a two year degree and that doesn't mean that they're not going to be highly trained, they are, but a lot of that training is going to build on the education that you get in fact, locally like Mohawk Valley, building on education you get here at SUNY Poly for a four year engineering degree so these are not things that are unattainable, in fact, we need people from this region to be able to come in, be trained and come in and work, that's going to be at the heart of this facility,” says Dr. Robert Geer, Senior Vice President and Chief Operation Officer of SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

The impact of nano-Utica stretches far beyond the actual industry employees. Dr. Geer says new jobs, means new people, new business and an economic boost all around."In addition to the people that walk into that building, you're going to have offices, and they're already being established, that are going to be for the companies that support the industries here so it's absolutely a broad-based effect,” said Dr. Geer.

[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://www.sunyit.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2014/11/WUTR-Nano-Tech-The-Next-Big-Thing-Part-II-111214.mp4"][/video]

One of those companies is Nfrastructure and representatives say they're ready to move in as soon as possible."It's terrific, we have an office now in one of the buildings at formerly SUNYIT now SUNY Poly Utica campus and the team is really looking forward to moving into the Quad-C building they see it out the window every day, they've seen it being built and they're really excited to get in there, it's a beautiful facility,” said Michael Martin, Chief Information Officer of Nfrastructure.

After the companies move in and employees are hired, experts say the impact will still be felt with a spike in downtown business, living and a sense of pride that the Mohawk Valley is on the rise, with the help of a little thing called nanotechnology.

Construction of Quad-C is set to wrap up by the end of the year. Dr. Geer says he expects more and more tenants to start utilizing the unique space once it is fully up and running.

Julia Rose | 11/12/14
