WUTR: Nano-Tech Talk: 'It's Being Built, and They're Coming'

WUTR: Nano-Tech Talk: 'It's Being Built, and They're Coming'

Thursday, October 2, 2014 - 12:32
SUNY Poly News Logo

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Nanotechnology and Quad-C are two buzz terms we hear all of the time here in the Mohawk Valley. As the Nano-Utica project progresses and Quad-C nears completion, the nanotechnology industry is on the minds and mouths of many; which is why the Greater Utica Chamber of commerce held a roundtable discussion Wednesday with nano industry leaders and community businesses to talk all things nano.

The take-away message from the panel discussion was that "the time is not when, it's now." The panel included nano businesses set to move into Quad-C as well as SUNY-PI representatives and other industry experts. They say the Mohawk Valley is on track to becoming a hub for this multi-million dollar industry.

The theme throughout the nanotechnology and Quad-C panel discussion was the motto from Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come.” It’s being built, and they're coming.

"The impact of nanotechnology, it's not something that's going to happen, it's something that's happening and you know the impacts are already being felt,” said Dr. Robert Geer, Senior Vice President of SUNY PI. “I think the people in the Mohawk valley are seeing how pivotal a player this region is.”

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