WUTR: Progress Report: Quad-C Opening Delayed Due to Expansions

WUTR: Progress Report: Quad-C Opening Delayed Due to Expansions

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 09:05
SUNY Poly News Logo

The building is there but what's happening inside of it?  For months we heard about Quad-C and Nano Utica and  we have the first installment of our series Progress Report.

Construction is well under way on the SUNY Poly campus.  In a matter of months--steel beams transformed into a full-scale building that will soon be home to the Nano Utica initiative.  A project that's evolving just as quickly as the technology that will be built inside.

[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://www.sunyit.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/02/WUTR-QuadC-Progress-Report-2515.mp4"][/video]


“When you think about computer chips changing every 18 months--such as moors law--you can understand that timelines is critical,” says Michael Fancher, SUNY CSNE.


2/5/15 Ana Rivera
