Print Shop & Mailroom

For more information about the Print Shop and Mailroom, contact

Print Shop

The SUNY Polytechnic Institute Print Shop is equipped to produce a variety of printed materials including color copies as large as 12" x 18".

For more information about what can be printed and how to submit your project, download the print shop brochure (pdf).

Already have a project that needs printing?
Printing Request (pdf) form



Campus Mail
Campus mail services are provided to support activities directly related to university business. It may not be used for “chain” letters, solicitation of funds to support religious activities, endorsing political candidates or requesting funds for their support, or the distribution of advertising notices for activities or products not a part of the normal functions of the University.

Letter-sized #10 Campus Mail or interdepartmental 9" x 12" manila envelopes should be used for interoffice destinations. Use of 9" x 12" interdepartmental envelopes is encouraged for all larger mail pieces.

Campus mail should identify the addressee’s name, and department on each piece.

Campus Bulk Mailings
Campus bulk mailings are an easy method of communicating with many people. Special preparation helps Delivery Services expedite mail to its destination.

Campus Bulk mailings require the following guidelines
Personalized pieces for five or more going to the same department must be wrapped with rubber bands. Large departments may require several bundles. Address labeling of these pieces is acceptable.


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Request More Information

Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.


Let's Start The Process     

Complete and submit your application to SUNY Polytechnic Institute.