Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO)

The Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee reviews human stem cell research that includes embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and other pluripotent or multi-potent stem cells, progenitor cells and sensitive adult stem cells. The oversight committee consists of research and ethical experts in the field of stem cells. In addition to review of research conducted at SUNY Poly and the State University of New York, it also offers its service in this role to the broader community through an MOU to promote ethical use of stem cells as a multi-Institutional SCRO.

The SCRO reports to the Vice President for Research (VPR) on any issues that arise related to the conduct and use of human stems cells in research. Accepted international, national and state guidelines are followed and based on the International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), National Academy of Science (NAS) and New York State Stem Cell (NYSTEM) standards for human stem cell research. These form the current guiding principles used in the United States.

Forms Available:

  • New Application Form
  • Update or Revision Form
  • Special Forms

Important Links:

Stem Cell Information

NIH Stem Cell Training

Stem Cell Banks


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