Electrical Engineering Technology - Research

Students in nanotechnology labThe faculty in the EET program develop and maintain research activities that aim to respond to the most significant problems of the society whether those regard solar cell efficiency and cost, solar generation of hydrogen, new semiconductor materials and devices or address monitoring and control problems of the national highway infrastructure.

Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP): Every summer SURP allows students from the undergraduate programs across the Utica and Albany campuses to join in partnership with faculty a wide range of research projects. To be eligible, the students have to demonstrate an interest in the particular field of research and maintain a high academic performance. The students selected will receive a payed internship and will work for a period of 10 weeks under the assistance of a faculty member toward the completion of a part of a research project. At the end of the summer program, the students will present the results of their research work in a poster presentation competition. A couple of the posters produced by the students as a result of  term projects or SURP work are presented at the bottom of the page.

Sol-Gel Synthesis poster

2-Axis Solar Tracker poster

Zinc Oxide Transport Film poster

STEP Water Splitting Cell poster


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