- Go to https://banner.sunypoly.edu
- Click Enter Student Secure Area option.
- Enter your campus email address for the User Id.
- Enter your date of birth in the format MMDDYY for the PIN. (Where YY is the last two digits of the year you were born.) for the password.
- The very first time you log into Banner you will be Prompted to set up your Multi-Factor Authentication.
- From the Student Services page, Choose the Change your Banner PIN and Computer Account Password option.
a. Enter your six character birthdate (mmddyy, where yy is the last two digits of the year you were born)
b. Tab down to the second Box (Enter New Pin)
c. Create your new Pin/Password, the requirements are on the page
d. Tab down to the Re-Enter New Pin and retype your new password
e. When finished, click the Change PIN button
f. Select the Student Landing Page option to return to the current Banner system
****This password/pin is used for all systems
All password changes take 5 minutes up propagate out to other system
****Your SitNet username is in the first part of your email address (before the @ sign).
*** SUNYPoly e-mail is used for official communications. SitNet passwords must be updated annually to keep the your account active. **
Refer to the IT Services web page for additional information about SUNY Poly E-mail, services available at the college and through your campus email address.