CTC 275: Researching Topics

Finding Material

Using the SUNY Poly Library Researching a Topic guide, you should divide your research into two stages:
Stage 1: Use the library databases to identify a source, e.g., a journal article
Stage 2: Use various resources to obtain the source, including asking a librarian for help in your research.


The database(s) that you choose make a big difference in the results that you receive. If you are not sure which database to choose, review the alphabetical order tab on the library's database descriptions page.
Journals-- A list of magazines and journals available via our databases.
Ebrary – ebooks available on many topics
IEEE Explore – abstracts and full text articles of IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines published since 1998
ScienceDirect – full text articles in science, technology, and medicine

Scholarly Internet Searching

Google Scholar – one of the best parts of Google
Web of Science - Web of Science is a collection of multidisciplinary citation databases with high-level features to link to citations and connect to related citations. SUNY Poly’s access to the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Index covers 2010-present. The Emerging Sources Citation Index extends from 2015-present. Other indexes included in SUNY Poly’s Web of Science subscription are SciELO Citation Index (1997-Present), Medline (1950-present), Russian Science Citation Index (1997-present), and KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980-present). Web of Science also integrates with the Citation Manager, Endnote.




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