SUNY Poly Undergraduate Justin Nhan awarded SPIE 2021 Jeffrey Byers Memorial Best Poster Paper Award

SUNY Poly senior Justin Nhan attended this year's 2022 SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning Conference, which took place in San Jose, California. The experience was made possible by support from SUNY Poly’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering and by the SPIE Student Conference Grant.
At the conference, Justin was awarded the prestigious SPIE 2021 Jeffrey Byers Memorial Best Poster Paper Award. The award recognizes the best poster paper presented in the previous year's conference. Candidate posters are nominated and selected by the SPIE Patterning Materials conference committee. Judging criteria includes the technical originality, completeness, relevance, quality of poster presentation, and quality of proceedings manuscript. The award consists of a certificate and a cash honorarium.
At the conference, Justin also met and discussed with many industrial leaders in the field advancements in computer chip patterning. This provided him insight into upcoming technologies and sparked ideas for his future research work.
Justin said, “I promoted collaborative SUNY Poly CNSE research work to the companies and field experts at the conference with the aim of providing exposure to the college at the conference, to further make the college's name known to the world!”