Registration Instructions: Current Students

Log In

  1. Go to
  2. Click Enter Student Secure Area
  3. Login: Enter User ID and PIN, then click Login. If you do not remember your PIN and security question, contact the Registrar's office at (315) 792-7262 to have your PIN reset. At the Login Verification Change PIN page:
    • Read the Statement of Responsibility and enter Banner Web main menu by clicking Continue
    • Select a security question and an answer
    • Click Password Change near bottom of page and follow directions on the screen
    • Click PIN /Password Change
      • ​​​​​​​First time user - contact the Registrar's office for your User ID and PIN.

  At the Student Services Menu

  1. Click Register for Classes.
  2. Select term for registration and click continue.
  3. Enter the CRN (4-digit course reference number) for your course selections on the Enter CRNs tab.
  4. Click Add to Summary. Courses without errors will show as pending. For courses with errors, refer to the "error messages" at top right. Rectify the problem and resubmit changes as appropriate.
  5. You can search available classes by selecting Browse.
  6. Click Submit in the lower right corner to save registration.
  7. Once registered, click Schedule and Options tab. You can print your schedule by clicking on the printer icon on the right. (Do not print your schedule from the Registration Screen.)
  9. To logout, click the Exit button.


Common Error Messages

Time Conflict
Course times overlap. Choose a different section for one or both of the conflicting classes, then add both classes to your registration. NOTE: It is possible to get permission by an instructor to allow a time conflict. Your College must process the permission, allowing you to then web register.

Permission has not been processed. See the appropriate person for approval. Your College will process the permission, allowing you to then web register for this course.

Closed Course
The section is full. Register for another section or course.

Level Restriction
You are an undergraduate and have attempted to register for a graduate level course. You must go to the Registrar's Office and, if you are eligible, complete an Academic Petition form seeking permission to register for this course.

Link_Error Type LA (LE) Required
You have registered for a lab or lecture section without the corresponding lecture or lab. Use the Add Class area to add BOTH the lecture and lab sections.

Over Maximum Credit Load
Credit total is more than the maximum allowed. Complete an Academic Petition form for permission to register for a credit overload and submit to the department chair. Your College will process the permission, allowing you to then web register.

Pre Req./Test Score Error
The course you are trying to register for requires that another course be completed or is in progress at the time of registration.


Request More Information

Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.


Let's Start The Process     

Complete and submit your application to SUNY Polytechnic Institute.