Library - Online Collections

SUNY Polytechnic Institute has online collections in 4 digital repositories:

  1. The SUNY Open Access Repository has faculty and staff scholarly and creative works, as well as student dissertations and theses
  2. DSpace houses publications created by and about the Institute, including yearbooks, student publications, institutional history documents, faculty governance documents, and Student Project Showcase works
  3. New York State Historic Newspapers is uploading SUNY Poly's collection of historic Utica area newspapers, as well as some student publications.  The Oneida County section has full-text searchable PDF documents, and
  4. Some collections of Utica area refugee materials, contributed by Professors Kathryn Stam and Lynne Browne, are available from New York Heritage Digital Collections.

New York Heritage Digital CollectionImage and web link of New York State Historic Newspapers frontpage


College of Engineering Master's Theses

College of IDT Thesis collection

CNSE Master's Thesis Collection


College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Doctoral Dissertations


College of Engineering Capstone Projects


Factory Times


Genesis (yearbooks)



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