Medical Services

The SUNY Poly Wellness Center provides short term, episodic health care services for all students, full and part-time, during the academic year (fall and spring semesters). Services provided at the Wellness Center are covered under the mandatory Health Service Fee thus no charge is incurred for a visit. We do not bill third party insurance companies.

New Location During Campus Center Renovations is Oriskany Hall Suite B, 555 Residential Drive

The Wellness Center provides support and assistance with the interpretation and management of health related problems, some of which may be chronic in nature. We attempt to assist each student with the resolution of health problem(s) with a minimum of disruption to the student's class schedule. The staff utilizes a wide variety of educational materials to promote positive health behaviors, informed consumerism and the development of personal responsibility for one's own health care. The Wellness Center is committed to providing health services that are welcoming, easily accessible, and confidential.

Confidentiality: Health information will only be shared with the written permission from the student (or to parent/guardian on file if under 18).

During the academic semesters, office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30p.m. Medical services are not offered during the summer. Appointments are recommended, however walk-ins will be accommodated accordingly when available.

Phone: 315-792-7172  Fax: 315-792-7371

Medical Services

Medical services are provided by a full-time Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Registered Nurses, Medical Assistants and a part-time Physician. Wellness Center providers are sensitive to the unique health needs of students attending college.

Medical evaluation, treatment & follow-up care:

  • Sick Care: colds & other respiratory infections, rashes, eye/ear infections, urinary tract infections, fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting & diarrhea, etc.
  • Injury Care: sprains/strains, abrasions/cuts/bruises, minor burns, joint pain, etc.
  • Preventive health care: testing for sexual transmitted diseases (STD’s), GYN exams & pap smears, birth control, etc.
  • Blood work/laboratory work:
    • On Campus - NYS Limited Laboratory certification allows the ability to perform on-site specific medical tests (i.e. blood glucose, mono, strep throat, HIV, pregnancy, etc.) to assist with diagnosis and treatment at no charge
    • Off Campus – blood draws and specimen cultures are sent to LabCorp.  Fees associated with the services provided by LabCorp are the student's responsibility (copays/deductibles, etc.)
  • Medications: limited prescription (antibiotics, anti-fungals, morning after pill, etc) & over the counter (pain/fever reducers, cold & flu medication, topical creams, allergy medication, etc.)
  • Medical Equipment/Supplies: crutches, Band-Aids, cough drops, condoms/lubricants, ace bandages, ice packs, etc.
  • Referrals: to private practitioners, specialists, and community agencies such as Planned Parenthood, Care Net or services for alcohol and other substance use treatment.

HIV Testing with Pre- and Post-test Counseling

SUNY Polytechnic Institute offers free and confidential HIV testing using the Oraquick Advance Rapid HIV 1/2 test, providing results in just 20 minutes and includes pre and post-test counseling and education on the prevention of HIV.

SUNY Poly only offers confidential HIV testing. Confidential testing means that students are identified by name, test results are entered into the medical record and become a part of the permanent medical history and HIV positive results are reported to the State Health Department and a follow up referral for ongoing care will be given.

LGBTQIA+ Resources and Gender Affirming Care

1424 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502
Phone:  315-724-6146
287 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13501
Phone: 315-475-2430
Toll-free: 1-877-475-0218
Gender Affirming Care Community Resource Guide to find inclusive & affirming care.
259 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
170 Science Parkway
Rochester, NY 14620
Phone:  585.545.7200
The Transgender Center of Excellence provides affirming, high-quality transgender health care and supportive services. 
The Albany Med Health System is committed to providing comprehensive care to transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive individuals. 
The Gender Wellness Center at Susquehanna Family Practice offers services tailored to meet the needs of our gender nonconforming patients. Our caring and professional staff has advanced training in providing health and psychological services to the transgender community.
 1-877-565-8860. Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education.
The mission of the Trevor Project is to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning young people.  Their vision is a world where all LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves.  
Free and confidential helpline
Phone:  888- 843-4564
Mon - Fri:  2 PM - 11 PM
Sat:  Noon - 5 PM


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