In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, SUNY Poly has adopted and implemented a comprehensive program to prevent the illicit use of alcohol and other drugs, high risk drinking and substance abuse by students and employees. Every two years the College conducts a review (Biennial Review) of its prevention program to determine its effectiveness and to ensure that the sanctions developed by the College are consistently enforced. In order to identify and implement any necessary changes, these reviews are completed by the SUNY Poly Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Prevention Task Force.
The AOD Prevention Task Force is a joint collaboration of campus partners who contribute to student and employee health and wellness, success, retention, and graduation rates through the implementation of a comprehensive campus Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP). The DAAPP was developed for the prevention of underage and high-risk drinking, and illegal drug use. The AOD Prevention Task Force is also responsible for distributing notice of the Policy on Drugs and Alcohol, implementing evidence-based education programs and developing environmental strategies to prevent and reduce high risk drinking, illegal drug use, and other associated high-risk behaviors.
The Prevention Task Force meets monthly during the academic year and once over the summer in person or via Zoom. If you are interested in becoming a member of the AOD Prevention Task Force please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs at
The AOD Prevention Task Force members include:
- Jennifer Adams, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Gary Bean, Chief of University Police
- Kelly Colbert, Associate Athletics Director/SWA (Senior Woman Administrator)
- Stacey Genther, Director of Wellness Center Services
- Jennifer George, Care Team Case Manager
- Michele Kilburn, Chief Human Resources Officer
- Dr. Krystyna de Jacq, Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Leiska Omerspahic, Wellness Promotion Coordinator
- Benjamin Yung, Director of the Center for Student Involvement and Orientation
- Brittany Morawiec, Director of College Housing
Policy on Drugs and Alcohol 2025 (pdf)
Next Biennial Review: 2022 - 2024 (to be completed by December 31, 2024)
Biennial Review of Academic Years 2020-2022 (pdf)
Biennial Review of Academic Years 2018-2020 (pdf)
Biennial Review of Academic Years 2016-2018 (pdf)
Biennial Review of Academic Years 2014-2016 (pdf)