- Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint as an Educational Platform by Kenneth M. Crosby
- Comic Books as American Propaganda During World War II by David Dellecese
- The Dynamics of Infographics: Transforming Tabular Data into an Interactive Story by John Freiberger IV
- Gamification & 21st Century Digital Learning by Zipporah Galimore
- Ecommerce for a Mid-Sized Medical Device Company: A Consultant's Report Approach by Dan Hamilton
- Managing Social Media in Half the Time: Creating an Infographic for Small Businesses by Kim Hazen
- Use of Effective Information Design Principles to Encourage Social Media Activism: Designing a Website for Global Social Issues to Enlist Change and Avoid Slacktivism by BeLynn League
- Creating a browser extension to improve PubMed record full text linking by Jill K. Locascio
- Veteran Resources in New York State: What are the barriers to creating and supporting an online directory of Veteran resources in New York? by Shannon MacColl
- Employing User-Centered Design to Accelerate the Construction of a Business Intelligence Dashboard by Joseph F. Obermaier
- A Guide to Mobile Apps for Small Cultural Heritage Non-Profits: Leveraging Mobile Technologies to Guide and Engage Visitors by Danielle Parker
- Applying Game Learning Principles to Analyze and Identify Improvements for Scuba Training Simulations by Shaun Schaller
- Creating an effective online course and community with best practices from the disciplines of Visual Design, User Experience and online learning experiences by Bianca Spirizzi
- Using Social Media to Create a Collaborative Learning Environment in a Graphic Arts Environment by Shannon Tooley
- Podcast in a Box: A low cost and effective tool to produce compelling educational videos by James Ward
- AOSOS Master Hyperguide: A Hypertextual Guide to Using America’s One Stop Operating System, by Adam Baertschi
- E-Learning: How Constructivist Learning Theory Guides Module Learning, by Gabriella Cannarelli
- Podcasting: The Process of Creating a Digital Narrative, by Vincent Cannarelli
- Redesigning Adirondack Adventures: Analyzing Crowd Culture to Develop Social Media Marketing Strategies, by Hannah McFadden
- A Mobile Application for a Growing Utica Comets Community, by Jessica McIntosh
- Applied Hypertext Theory in a Demonstration of a Non-Sequential Audio Narrative, by Phillip Fitzpatrick
- Climate Change: Restaurant and Employee Awareness Through the Use of Tutorials, by Amy Rowe
- Designing a Mobile Application for Small Business Use in Strengthening Customer Relations, by Collin Crabtree-Keeler
- Gamification of Mobile Fitness Applications for Newly Diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis Patients, by Brian Coupe
- Mobile technologies aide cancer patients in rural areas with digital medicine to seek a second opinion, by Stacey Wurz
- SipNrate: Mobile Application for New York State Wines, by Rebecca Choquette
- Supporting Interactive Fundraising for Gen X Cancer Survivors and Co-Survivors in the New England Area, Robert Winters
- Using MinecraftEdu to Establish Common Ground and Increase Collaboration in an American Literature College Course, by Mary Bulkot
- Data Journalism Meets Information Design: Creating A Complex Infographic About The Yarnell Hill Wildfire, by Katelyn Godoy
- Designing a Website for Karen Cultural maintenance and promotion: Karen Cultural Preservation in Utica, NY, by Jenjira May htoo
- Expanding the Classroom: Using Video Tutorials to Create Choices in the Elementary Art Classroom, by Floretta Prestigiacomo
- Favorite Faces App: Design and Review of a Mobile App Prototype to Help Improve Face- Name Recognition for those with Early to Moderate Stage Dementia, by Kim A. McDonnell
- Google Glass In the Classroom, by Sylvia Navarro Nicosia
- Measuring the incessant need of Social Media as a marketing and communication tool in a small camp business, by Darilyn Brown
- The Future Impact of Immersive Virtual Reality Simulations on the Suburban Training Experience of Firefighters in Westchester, NY, by Edward J Tatton III
- The use of Google Analytics to improve the College Website as a Student Recruitment Tool, by Jennifer L Smith
- Using An Interactive Literacy Text To Integrate Common Core Learning Standards For Upper Elementary Students, by Haily Mae Dunn
- Adapting the Flipped Classroom for At-Risk Science Students through Learner-Centered Design, by Sara Sullivan
- An Educational Website on Copyright Law and Remix Art , by John Bugyi
- Blogging as a Tool to Promote Student-Centered Learning, by Steven Richard Besler
- Design and Implement a Photo Gallery website for Snapshots of Resettlement: A Digital Showcase of Images and Stories of Resettled Refugees in Utica, NY, by Douglas Cohen
- Designing a MOOC for Citizen Planner Training, by Elizabeth Brown
- Developing a Moodle Course as an Engaging and Collaborative Teaching Tool to Correlate the Common Core with K12 Videoconferencing, by Jenny Marie Burroughs
- Evaluating the Appropriateness of Using Web Technologies to Promote Farm Safety to New York Farmers, by Samantha Park
- Evaluating the Effective Design of Web-Based Learning Environments For Promotional Marketing Team Directives, by Lydia Swistak
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of The New York Academy of Sciences Wikispace Reflecting Constructivist Theory of Instructional Materials within Middle School STEM Learning Environment, by Elissa Widomski (Synakowski)
- Examining the Use of Social Media by United States Senators, by Jeffrey Stanton
- Fair Use @ WorkTM App: Design and Review of a Prototype of a Mobile App to Help Journalists, Students, and Educators Favor Fair Use of Copyrighted Work, by Nancy M. Heiz
- Improving Foreign Language Skills Through an iPhone Scenario-‐Based Simulator, by Andrea M. Catenaro
- Ipad Application Development for Middle School Science, by James LaVere
- SQL Course Development Via Scaffolding, Social Constructivism, & Fantasy Football, by Shawna Thornton
- Acclimating Students To College Campus Utilizing Games, by Josh Piejko
- Association of Hindu Society Web Presence: Marketing for a Community Project, by Julie E. DelMedico
- Building an Engaging and Inviting MOOC in Moodle, by Stacy Herrick
- Creating An E-Book A Parent’s Interactive Guide To The Social Network, by Joseph James Wasecka
- Creating An Online Course Teaching Social Media Applications, by Vanessa Sweeney
- Creating an Online Game for Farm Safety, by Robert D. Begley
- Creating the ALFAM Knowledge Base by Gretchen Kriesen
- Design and Review of Multi-Media Marketing for Community Project: Refugees Starting Over in Utica, NY, by Kathryn Reilly
- Designing an Online Presence for Bhutanese–Nepali Refugees, by Lee Crisman
- Developing Content for a Cross-Cultural Website: Integrating Web Strategies, Cultural Considerations and Blogging Techniques, by Mary Christopher
- Hypertextual Teaching in a TiddlySpace Educational Environment, by Jason Shaw
- Integrating Information And Communication Tools Effective Strategies For The Classroom, by Thuc Phan
- PEP Tutorials: Using Cognitive Learning Theory, by Laura Covino
- Professional Practice in Design a Massive Open Online Course, by Sharon LaBella
- Supplemental Teaching Tools: Will They Help Students Improve Their Learning Capabilities?, by Mary Catherine Cirillo
- The Effects of Facebook Images on Women’s Self-Esteem and Body Image, by MaryMargaret PladoCostante
- The Global Module Project: Developing and Troubleshooting Online Discussion Session between Empire State College Students Based in Panama and SUNYIT Students from New York State, by Alena Rodick
- Using Key Principles of Design to Change a Consumer’s Perception, by Kathryn Holland
- Achieving Higher Level Thinking Order Through Human-Centered Design Tutorial Development, by Charlene Brant
- Applying Malone’s Motivational Theory and Flow to a Study of Whether Playing Educational Video Games Influences Motivation and Impacts Learning Outcomes in 5th Grade Mathematics, by Eric P. Goodnough
- Artist Exposure Utilizing Multi-Language Communication Tools, by Mary Lou Rabideau Bruno
- Best Practices for Embedding Videos on Oral History Websites, by Michelle M. Tucker
- Blogging September 11; Transforming Personal Expressions Into Data Visualization in Wordle and Tagxedo, by Andrzej Lata
- Creating Digital Narratives: The Structure and Design of Stories Told Across Multiple Media, by Peter von Stackelberg
- Creating Sustainable Documentation Using Hypermedia by Jeff Savage
- Developing Digital Stories to Accommodate Multiple Learning Styles in a Healthcare Environment, by Erin Bushinger
- GAMES THAT CAN SAVE LIVES Designing the next generation NYCAMH safety game, by Michael VanDusen
- Researching Cross-Cultural Online Communication Features for a Book Chapter, by Dennis Thoryk
- Sense Making Methodology: A Study of the Impact of a New Technology on Banking Culture, by Daniel J Smith
- Smart Technologies In a Technology Classroom, by Travis H. Owens
- Source September 11: A Community Approach to Discovering the September 11 LOC Web Archive, by Matthew Bingley
- The Efficacy of Screencasting Technology in the Classroom by Daniel J. Fancett-Stooks
- The Motivational Effects of Using a Computer-Based Tutorial vs. a Traditional Instruction Method for Learning How to Use an Elementary Level Mathematics Game by Christopher Roth
- A Content Analysis of Educational Scaffolding Used in Post-and-Reply Sessions on a Mathematics Homework Help Message Board by Nick Darrah
- A Qualitative Study on Web Product Development: Based on Experiences of Professionals by Krista A. Plano
- Flash-Based Physical Simulation In Deaf Education Dynamic Media Vs. Static Media by Harry Baran
- Free & Open Source Software Off The Grid by Benjamin Besemer
- Mobile Strategy Plan for Higher Education by Tony DeFranco
- Prezi v. PowerPoint: Finding the right tool for the job by Nicole White
- The Accessibility of New York State Government Web Sites Using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 by Kristen M. Palmo
- The Influence of the DVD format on the College Selection Process, by Douglas Flanagan
- The Student Commons by Amy Stokes
- The Application of Social Networks to the Marketing of Industrial Products, by Roger Perlstein
- The Creation and Benefits of an Online Orientation for the SUNYIT Information Design and Technology Program, by Larry Brassard
- Webcomic Distribution: Distribution Methods, Monetization and Niche Markets; by Kevin Volo
- How Colleges Have Responded to Changes In Student Recruitment as Defined By Their Level of Web Definition on Their Official College Web Sites By Karen Ayouch
- Knowledge Documentation – From Text to Graphics: Can this improve help desk knowledge transfer? By Teresa J. Gage
- Presentation of Self in MySpace.com By Heather Perretta
- Nursing Home Website Review: Are they accessible, usable, and do they meet consumer needs? By Gail M. Warchol
- The Hybrid Course Experience By Jonathan M. Thompson
- The Impact of Staff Development on Middle School Technology Integration By Regina Scalisi
- The Influence of College Web Sites on the College Selection Process By Maryrose Basi Raab
- The Process of Redesigning and Redeveloping a University Website in the Face of Organizational Change By Erika E. Rau