Center for Smart Infrastructure & Sustainability (CSIS)

The Center for Smart Infrastructure and Sustainability (CSIS) dedicates to advancing research, technology, education, and policies that promote intelligent and sustainable infrastructure development. By leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge technologies, CSIS will serve as a catalyst for transformative change towards a more resilient and sustainable future. CSIS endeavors to develop a distinctive and high-impact array of activities, guided by the following vision, mission, and values, aimed at making a positive difference for stakeholders and the broader community:

Vision: To elevate SUNY Polytechnic Institute as a national leader in advancing innovative solutions for resilient, intelligent, and sustainable infrastructure systems

Mission: The center synthesizes efforts across the university to advance research, education, and innovation in the development and management of infrastructure systems that are intelligent, resilient, and sustainable that contributes to the well-being of society and the planet.

Values: Innovation, Community, Education, Inclusion, Collaboration

Research Summary

As part of the center’s mission to advance research, education, and innovation in the development and management of infrastructure systems that are intelligent, resilient, and sustainable, the research focus areas include the following with current projects or projects to be developed:

Renewable Energy: Promote the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, fuel cell, smart grid technologies, energy storage systems, and geothermal energy. Current projects: offshore wind energy projects

Sustainable material: Embrace sustainable and recyclable materials and integrate energy-efficient technologies and eco-conscious construction practices to decrease carbon footprints and preserve the environment. Current project: the development of fiber-reinforced composite myco-blocks for construction.

Resilient Infrastructure: Enhance the resilience of infrastructure systems to natural disasters, climate change, and other human-made hazards through risk assessment, adaptive design, and robust asset management strategies. Current project: Machine learning on earthquake and simulation of post-earthquake fire funded by NSF

Smart Transportation: Develop intelligent transportation systems to optimize traffic flow, reduce emissions, and enhance safety through the integration of IoT sensors, AI algorithms, data analytics, and virtual reality (VR) simulations

Green Buildings: Advance green building design and construction practices to improve energy efficiency, smart building automation systems

Internet of Things (IoT) for infrastructures: Enable the connectivity and communication of various devices and sensors to offer valuable insights, enhance efficiency, improve decision-making, and promote sustainability in infrastructure systems

Water Management: Develop smart water management solutions to optimize water distribution, reduce leaks, and enhance water quality through sensor networks, predictive analytics, and water recycling technologies

Faculty members of the CSIS center:

Director: Dr. Zhanjie Li

Associate Director: Dr. Sivapalan Gajan, Dr. Tabiri Asumadu, Dr. Iulian Gherasoiu

SUNY Poly Faculty members:

Dr. Wole Soboyejo, Dr. Andy Wolfe, Dr. Bill Durgin, Dr. Aarthi Sekaran, Dr. Abolfazl Karimpour, Dr. Jiayue Shen, Dr. Kazi Imran, Dr. Shuang Tang, Dr. Juan Henao, Dr. Asif Ahmed, Mark Mattson, Dr. Arjun Singh, Dr. Se Jung Kim, Dr. Ahmed Abdelaal, Dr. Priyangshu Sen, Dr. Gunyaz Ablay, Dr. Robert Edgell



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