Graduate Tuition + Fees

Tuition + Fee Charges Per Semester

Part-Time Study | On-Campus Programs |
Cost per credit hour up to 11 credits

Charge by Degree NYS Resident** Non-NYS Resident
MS/CAS - Tuition $471 $1041
Ph.D. - Tuition $471 $1041
Broad-Based Fees**** $64.42 $64.42

Full-Time Study* | On-Campus Programs |
Cost for 12+ credit hours

Charge by Degree NYS Resident** Non-NYS Resident
MS/CAS - Tuition $5,655 $12,490
Ph.D. - Tuition $5,655 $12,490
Broad-Based Fees*** $777.50  $777.50
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Tuition and Fees for online graduate programs, including DNP and MBA, are listed on our online programs tuition and fees page.

*Full-time Study: At the graduate level, full-time study for the purpose of billing is 12 credit hours; for the purpose of financial aid is 9 credit hours.

**New York State Resident: Residence for purposes of tuition refers to student's permanent home. In order to qualify as a New York State Resident for tuition purposes, in addition to other criteria, a student must be "domiciled" in New York State for a 12-month period immediately prior to the first day of the semester for which application is made. Residency applications can be obtained from the Student Accounts Office. A domicile is defined as that place where an individual maintains a permanent home to which the intention is to return when not in attendance. Resident tuition rates are applied to members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their dependents.

***Broad-Based Fees: Charged to all students to support the institution, activities and/or services.

Please note that these costs are subject to change without notice.

Housing + Food

Cost of Attendance

View the full estimated cost of attendance including tuition, fees, housing and food, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses. The cost of attendance is used as a student’s budget when their financial aid package is prepared.


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